| CANADA | FEBRUARY 27, 2010 |

The Way to Happiness Impacts Olympic Winter Games


Vancouver, Canada


May 31, 2167


A team of The Way to Happiness supporters secured and delivered bundles of booklets to charitable organizations, schools and youth groups, who then distributed them throughout the Vancouver region before and during the 2010 Winter Olympics. More than 65,000 custom edition The Way to Happiness booklets were passed out by those who have now been referred to as an army of peacemakers.

As a result, officials in Vancouver were stunned as to why the crime rate plummeted during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

The figures told the tale, with official Province of British Columbia reports showing huge drops in vehicle theft, violent crime, assaults and property crime compared to the same month of the previous year: 

  • Property crime down 39%
  • Auto theft down 58%
  • Serious assaults down 38%
  • Violent crime down 23%

More plans are now underway to get the book distributed at several other major sporting events throughout Canada.