The mission of The Way to Happiness Foundation International is to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty the world over through the publication and widespread distribution of The Way to Happiness, a common sense guide to better living.
That mission is accomplished on a grass-roots level, worldwide, by individuals who share The Way to Happiness book with others and so bring about an increase in tolerance and understanding between families, friends, groups, communities, nations and Mankind—making a safer, less violent world for all.
The Way to Happiness Custom Booklets
Each person has an effect on someone else—positive or negative.
Whether one runs a company or just on a personal level, one can influence others. One of the infinite ways to do so positively is with The Way to Happiness booklet.
The message of the booklet includes sharing it with others. To make this even more possible, The Way to Happiness Foundation has state-of-the-art graphic design and print-on-demand facilities at its headquarters in Glendale, California, to produce booklets with customized covers in 114 languages for any individual, group, corporation or agency that wishes to forward this message of goodwill.

Trust, honesty and respect are some of the attributes we’d like to see more often in people we live and work with. The Way to Happiness, a code of conduct consisting of twenty-one common sense principles for better living, consistently and successfully demonstrates its effectiveness in helping bring about happier lives.

Rampant employee theft and fraud, dishonesty and loafing on the job, substance abuse, absenteeism and staff turnover—these and many other problems point to a widespread moral crisis afflicting the workplace—a crisis in need of an effective and lasting solution.

There is a way to decrease crime and recidivism effectively—with an outstanding program that restores an individual's self-respect and sense of self-worth, paving the way for inmates or parolees to become productive and contributing members of society who will not return to a life of crime.