Safeguard and Improve the Environment With The Way to Happiness

World Environment Day was named by the United Nations as a day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. In The Way to Happiness, author L. Ron Hubbard wrote in precept 12, Safeguard and Improve Your Environment, “The idea that one has a share in the planet and that one can and should help care for it may seem very large and, to some, quite beyond reality. But today what happens on the other side of the world, even so far away, can effect what happens in your own home.”
Therefore caring for the environment is a key mission for anyone applying The Way to Happiness. This year on World Environment Day, TWTH chapters in 18 countries held events to bring that precept to life. One such event was hosted at the Church of Scientology of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Two Kaohsiung City representatives and an instructor from the Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau spoke. He shared valuable facts and information on air pollution.
The World Environment Day event hosted by the Church of Scientology of Perth, in Western Australia, featured a guest speaker from the Buddhist Environmental Group. His focus was environmental damage of plastic and actions one can take to curb this.
Caring for the environment is a key mission for anyone applying The Way to Happiness.
An event in Madrid, Spain, welcomed Rodrigo Rojas Cruz, Executive Director of Ecohabitos, speaking about smart cities that are eco-friendly and sustainable. In Amsterdam, Netherlands, TWTH volunteers gathered to clean up a local park by removing trash and beautifying the environment.
Events were also held on World Environment Day across the US, including in Nashville, Tennessee, with the Church of Scientology and Celebrity Centre hosting the Sustainable Living Conference. Guest speakers presented eco-friendly solutions, including sustainable clothing, and ended with a fashion show of environmentally friendly styles.
The Way to Happiness is a tool to reduce crime. These stats show the need:
occur in the US; Italy, France, Germany and Australia account for another 26.33% of total burglaries internationally
is predicted to be lost through cybercrime by the end of 2018
inmates are held in penal institutions around the world
children are subjected to abuse each year
were estimated to have occurred in one year internationally

The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.