The Way to Happiness: A Tool to Bring Calm to Controversy in Catalonia

The Catalonia region’s bid for independence plunged Spain into one of its worst political crises since that nation’s return to democracy four decades ago. Thousands turned out on the streets to protest for and against the independence movement. Tourism to Catalonia slumped by 15 percent in the two weeks preceding the region’s controversial referendum on independence.
The Way to Happiness (TWTH) volunteers from Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Seville, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz decided that regardless of the politics, they wanted to restore calm to their people. Taking the examples from successful The Way to Happiness campaigns for peace in other countries such as Colombia and Israel, the volunteers set out to reach as many people as possible with the 21 precepts over a single weekend.
The Way to Happiness volunteers… decided that regardless of the politics, they wanted to restore calm to their people.
The “How to Use This Book” chapter of The Way to Happiness gives you the steps to take:
“You of course wish to help your contacts and friends.
“Chose someone whose actions, however remotely, may influence your own survival.
“Write the person’s name on the top line of the front cover of this book.
“Write or stamp your own name, as an individual, on the second line.
“Present the person with the book.
“Ask the person to read it….
“Give the person several additional copies of this book…. “Have the person present these copies to others that are involved in his or her life.
“By continuing to do this you will greatly enhance your own survival potential and theirs.
“This is a way toward a much safer and happier life for you and others.”
That weekend, 230 volunteers distributed 52,110 The Way to Happiness booklets across Spain. Then 15,000 more copies in El Periódico made this Spain’s largest-ever distribution of the booklet.
The challenge facing citizens and law enforcement is told in these numbers.
committed in a year—an increase of 4.1% over previous year
reported to law enforcement in a
in one year, including burglaries, larceny and motor vehicle thefts
lost in property damage and crimes in a single year
made by US law enforcement agencies, excluding those for traffic violations in a

The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.